The Foreign Ministry voiced the forecast for the meeting between Poroshenko and Putin

30 May 2017, 22:24 | Policy 
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Negotiations of the presidents of the Normandy four countries will be held when all parties are prepared for them.

This was stated by the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Vadim Pristaiko after the meeting in the Norman format in Berlin, Ukrinform reports..

"The result of today's meeting will be clear in a couple of days if we manage to achieve some progress in preparing for the upcoming summit, as discussed by the French President and German Chancellor," he explained..

According to Pristaiko, at the moment all parties except Russia - Ukraine, Germany and France - have expressed their readiness to meet.

"We have not heard either officially or unofficially about the readiness of the Russian side," the Deputy Foreign Minister noted..

Negotiations in Berlin at the level of foreign affairs agencies that lasted almost 4 hours on May 30 did not touch upon the issue of the road map for the implementation of the Minsk accords, since this is the competence of political advisers to the heads of state and government, Pristaiko said..

As reported by the "Observer", French President Emmanuel Macron, after a meeting with the head of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, called for negotiations in Norman format as soon as possible.

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