Language attack on the cafe of foreigners in Kiev: the denouement became known

24 May 2017, 19:54 | The Company 
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Participants in the action to block the Kiev restaurant Oriental cuisine Linas Cafe reached an understanding with the owners of the institution.

This is in the commentary to the "Observer" of the story, the leader of the "Black Committee" Bogdan Titsky.

"All Ukrainian patriots respect our legislation. I want to note that during this action no pogrom was committed, property was not damaged. In addition, as far as I know, the participants of the action and the owners of the cafe agreed that the staff is transferring the Ukrainian language, and the employee of the cafe responsible for the conflict will be dismissed. Therefore, the nationalists will not touch them, "- said Titsky.

As reported by the "Observer," the incident occurred on May 21, when the nationalists accused the staff of the institution that they allegedly refused to serve them in Ukrainian and demanded a double fee for seats.

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Источник: Обозреватель