Why it is hard to get rid of excess weight

24 May 2017, 18:58 | Health 
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Find out the reasons that prevent you from becoming the owner of the ideal figure, according to the Internet edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. Net To lose weight and become the owner of an impeccable figure requires a lot of strength and perseverance. However, if you think that you are doing everything possible, but there is no result, most likely, you are making some mistakes.

If you expect the result in a few weeks, you will be disappointed: losing weight takes a certain amount of time. Among the main reasons for which the arrow of your scales stubbornly does not want to crawl down, you can distinguish the refusal of food. Strangely enough, but fasting or reducing the amount of food does not help to lose weight, because those who starve themselves, slowing metabolism. In addition to changing your diet, for successful weight loss you need to increase the level of physical activity.

Constant stress increases the level of the hormone cortisol in the body. As a result, a person's appetite increases, he eats more and, accordingly, gets fat. In order not to overeat after a hard working day, you should find another way to relax, for example, to meditate or walk in the park.

Insomnia leads to a violation of the hormonal balance and the body's response to stress, and, as a result, to an increase in appetite. Also, lack of sleep affects the sensitivity to glucose, which can lead to the development of obesity and diabetes.

If in the intervals between strict diets you allow yourself to overeat, do not be surprised if you can not achieve the desired result. The more we restrict ourselves, the more we want to violate this prohibition. To avoid binge eating and eating disorders, you should periodically pamper yourself with delicious.

Another reason why people do not lose weight is a set of muscle mass. Regular exercises can promote the transformation of fat into muscle mass, and even if the arrow of the scales has not shifted to any division, this does not mean that all your efforts are in vain, because in your body there is less fat deposits and more beautiful, elastic muscles. Sumy. Ua.


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