About dietary breads

24 May 2017, 15:37 | Health 
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Not all dietary breads are useful, some can even cause harm to health. Let's figure it out..

Today, on store shelves you can find a variety of breads. But nutritionists warn that if any of them really belong to the category of useful products, then others can cause harm to health.

Types of loaves.

To all who dream of losing weight, it is better to exclude from the diet yeast bread from white and completely emasculated during the processing of flour - the benefits of such bread the body receives virtually no, just unnecessary fast carbohydrates and calories. The best substitute for yeast bread is bread, although at the same time, nutritionists warn that it is not necessary to get involved with bread, and in general - they need to understand. Types of loaves are different, and not all bread sold in stores are equally useful.

Buckwheat bread is useful for diabetics, fat people and those with anemia;.

Oatmeal is recommended to people prone to colds, neurodermatitis, having kidney disease, problem skin;.

Rice bread should be introduced into the diet for those who suffer from insomnia, diseases of the nervous system;.

Wheat, barley loaves are useful for problems of the gastrointestinal tract;.

Multi-cereal (from a mixture of flour of different cereals) is allowed to eat all without exception.

It should be borne in mind that manufacturers often introduce various additives in breads - bran or crushed cereals, germinated cereals, lecithin, calcium, sea cabbage, iodine, carrots, carotene, garlic, raisins, dill. Depending on the additives, bread can be not only a dietary product, but also a curative. For bread that has a more therapeutic and preventive focus, you need to be treated especially carefully - their use is limited, in addition, nutritionists do not recommend them to eat all without exception.

And one more important point. Before buying a package of bread, you need to carefully study the composition of the product in order to identify possible non-natural additives: flavors, GMOs, flavor enhancers.

The most useful bread.

Breadsticks replenish the body with stocks of easily digestible protein, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, bread is the main source of fiber, which stimulates our intestines to work actively, is an excellent medium for the propagation of beneficial microorganisms and removes toxins from the body. In 100-150 grams of bread contains as much fiber as in two and a half kilograms of cabbage or six loaves of rye bread.

Pay attention: bread can not be eaten by children until 2-3 years, because the organisms of such small children are not yet adapted to such rough food.

But among those that experts recommend healthy food for adults, the most useful bread is whole wheat bread, which is prepared by extrusion. An extruder is used for the preparation of extruded loaves, and the technology of manufacturing a similar product is such that the producer simply can not put harmful additives in the raw materials - neither fat, nor starch, nor yeast, nor sugar, nor preservatives with dyes. Therefore, extrusion breads contain only grains and cereals. First, a moist mixture of grains is prepared, which is soaked from half an hour to 12 hours - in order for the coarse shells to soften a little. Then this mass is poured into the extruder, where it is maintained for some time at a very high pressure and very high temperature. In such conditions, the water absorbed into the grain instantly turns into steam - something like an explosion occurs. Almost the same method is prepared by all known popcorn. Only in contrast to popcorn grain for loaves is placed in a small container, and as a result of the grain adhere to each other, forming a dense briquette. In this case, thanks to a short baking period, the useful substances of grains and grains are stored in the maximum amount.

Calorie content of loaves.

Calorie content of bread is about 300 kcal. Much, at first glance. But bread is a carrier of long carbohydrates, so it is easy to digest by the body and at the same time give a sense of satiety. In addition, they are rich in fiber, which prevents the absorption of calories. That is, consuming 35 grams of fiber per day, you burn 245 kcal. If you want to lose weight, eat no more than 3-5 loaves a day, you can in the company with low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, greens, vegetables and berries.

Bad breads.

Breads, which are not made up of well-marked whole grains, but are crispy thin crackers, are prepared in exactly the same way as regular bread. That is, the dough is kneaded from flour, water, yeast, milk powder and spices, which is then rolled out and baked. Breads of this type should be chosen as carefully as possible, because their technology allows you to add almost anything to the dough. And if, for example, the manufacturer used flour of high quality deprived of vitamins and fiber, yeast, fat, sugar, salt, antioxidants and preservatives, then as a result for the figure we will get more harmful bread, rather than useful. Like bread, these loaves will contain fast carbohydrates, and the only difference will be that the bread will have slightly less moisture in the composition.

When buying bread, carefully read the label. Useful breads are made from whole grain or rind flours, without yeast (can only be used with baking soda), preferably with the addition of seeds (flax, sunflower, sesame). In addition, it is necessary to look for an icon on the product label indicating that it has been certified and safe to consume. This applies to both domestic and imported loaves.

And the ideal bread should be dry, crispy, good to break, do not crumble, have a uniform color.

Health. Sumy. Ua.

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