Not the Moscow Patriarchate: it became known which church Ukrainians prefer

24 May 2017, 13:49 | Policy 
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The number of parishioners of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate today more than double the number of supporters of the Moscow Patriarchate.

This is evidenced by the data of a new sociological survey from the Razumkov Center, published in his Facebook archbishop of the UOC-Kyiv Patriarchate Eustratiy Zorya.

According to the research, 38.8% of Ukrainian believers considered themselves to be the Kyiv Patriarchate. 17.4% of respondents spoke for the Moscow Patriarchate. Approximately 1.5% of respondents named themselves parishioners of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church. 35.7% identified themselves as "just Orthodox".

At the same time, 7.7% believe that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church should remain part of the ROC.

29,2% are sure that the Orthodox should rally around the UOC-KP. Another 20.5% believe that Orthodox should unite in a single Church, which will seek independence.

Internet users are vividly discussing the published statistics:.

As reported by the "Observer", earlier in the Verkhovna Rada was introduced the bill number 4511 "About the special status of the reorganization bodies, the kerivnyi centers of which are significant in the state, yaka is recognized by the Verkhovnaya Rado of Ukraine as an agronomist power". The document, designed to limit the influence of the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine, caused many protests in the UOC-MP.

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Источник: Обозреватель