Destroyed innocent lives. How the world's stars reacted to the attack in Manchester

23 May 2017, 11:15 | gossip 
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The bloody attack in Manchester, which occurred immediately after the concert of singer Ariana Grande, did not leave indifferent both foreign and Ukrainian stars.

So, condolences to the victims and the families of the victims were expressed by Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Nicky Minage, Katy Perry, Yolanda Hadid. Among domestic celebrities, the first to react to the terrible event was the leader of the group "Ocean Elzy" Svyatoslav Vakarchuk.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk "Shocked by news from Manchester. My heart is with the families of the victims. Please hold on! ".

Selena Gomez "My thoughts and prayers go to all the victims in Manchester" Taylor Swift "My thoughts, prayers and tears to all the victims in Manchester during the tragedy that occurred at night. I send all my love "Katy Perry" My heart is broken with my family today. Heart broken for Ari. Heart broken for the state of this world "Niki Minage" My heart aches for my sister Ariana and every family that suffered in this tragic event in the UK. Innocent lives ruined. I'm very sorry to hear this "Yolanda Hadid" I send a lot of love and light to those who suffered during the tragedy in Manchester. "Recall, on Monday, May 22, in Manchester, Europe's largest indoor stadium, explosions followed the concert of American pop singer Ariana Grande. British police confirmed the death of 19 people.

According to media reports, there were two explosions at the stadium, in which bombs were stuffed with nails. Police consider tragedy a terrorist act, British Prime Minister Theresa May.

Ariana Grande herself also commented on the terrorist attack that occurred after her speech. The actress has suspended her European tour in connection with the incident.

Источник: ТСН.ua