"It's impossible to make a corrupt official!" Lyashko named the reason for the "massacre" over Lozov

22 May 2017, 20:51 | Policy 
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Representation of the GPU on prosecution of deputy Andrei Lozovy - an attempt to force the Radical Party to vote for anti-Ukrainian pension and land reform.

This opinion was expressed by the leader of the Radical Party Oleg Lyashko.

According to him, instead of investigating corruption, the GPU carries out orders.

"They want to show that my colleague and colleague Andrei Lozovoy is a corrupt official who must be imprisoned. They do not see Boyko, who stole half a billion dollars on the "towers", or Levochkin - Gauleiter Yanukovich, who was involved in the executions on the Maidan. They do not see 200 billion UAH that were stolen from Privat, but see only deputies from the Radical Party and come up with cases against my colleagues. It's an attempt to pressure us. This is an attempt to intimidate us so that we vote for their "reforms," ??Lyashko stressed..

Politician urged to stop political repression against radicals. Lyashko also added that the level of public confidence in law enforcement is extremely low. Thus, according to him, only 1% of the population trusts the prosecutor's office.

"A Lozovoy or Lyashko want to make corrupt officials - will not work!" - assured the politician.

As reported by the "Observer", earlier the Prosecutor General's Office conducted a search in the offices of the Dnepropetrovsk regional organization of the Radical Party, as well as in the offices of the S corporation. Group, which is managed by a family member of the faction of the RPL Sergei Rybalki.

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Источник: Обозреватель