Ivanka Trump brought money from the Saudis

22 May 2017, 18:48 | Policy 
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Created by Ivanka Trump Fund for Women Entrepreneurs in the Middle East will receive $ 100 million from the UAE and Saudi Arabia. This was announced by the World Bank, which will manage the fund, reports The Wall Street Journal.

Ianka announced the creation of a fund to help women entrepreneurs in the Middle East in April at a summit on economic rights and opportunities for women, where she was invited by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. According to the daughter of the US president, today is a turning point in the history for women, as they continue to seek an unprecedented level of rights and freedoms throughout the world.

Now Ivanka Trump accompanies her father on his first foreign tour, which began with a visit to Saudi Arabia.

Earlier, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia were regular sponsors of the Clinton family fund, for which Donald Trump repeatedly criticized his rival for accepting funds from countries (including Saudi Arabia) that violated human rights. Since the extent of the current influence of Ivanka Trump is not questioned, the decision of the Arab sponsors to support the charity initiative of the daughter of the US president is understandable.

With regard to the rights of women in the Middle East, in this field, simply virgin land is untilled. Only at the beginning of May 2017 the King of Saudi Arabia Salman ibn Abdul-Aziz Al Saud issued a decree significantly extending the rights of the weaker sex. The Saudi ladies can now, without the guardian's permission, travel, study, and file complaints with state organizations. In addition, women were allowed to use the transport services of a number of companies, since in Saudi Arabia, until now women are forbidden to drive cars. By the way, women can not work there either. And it is unlikely that the Ivanka Trump Foundation will be able to improve the situation with the rights of women in this part of the world.

Источник: YTPO.ru