Poland refused to suffer because of refugees

22 May 2017, 18:21 | Policy 
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Polish authorities decided to protect the country from social disasters, which are fraught with the influx of refugees into the European Union. This is solved simply: no migrants. This was stated by the leader of the ruling party "Law and Justice" Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

Warsaw refuses to accept refugees, which the EU is trying to distribute evenly across European territory, since this will reduce the level of security in the country, Kaczynski said..

"We would have to completely change our culture, radically lower the level of security in our country. And it's not just about terrorism - the threats are much greater. This means a kind of social catastrophe, "the politician said in an interview with Gazeta Polska Codziennie.

Earlier, Polish Prime Minister Beata Shidlo announced the official position of the government: the country does not intend to participate in the EU resettlement program. The plan was agreed in September 2015.. By a majority vote of the foreign ministers of the EU member states. Against the backdrop of a huge flow of illegal immigrants from Africa and the Middle East region, a decision was made to forcibly resettle 120,000 refugees in a community of 23 countries - in addition to the 40,000 asylum-seekers,.

Warsaw opposed this measure, indicating that it is ready to accept only those migrants who voluntarily agree to live in Poland. The forcible transfer of refugees from France or Germany, in particular to Poland, will only arouse the animosity of migrants. As a result, nothing good will happen, I'm sure Kaczynski.

"If we want to stop this wave of aggression from migrants, at least in relation to women, we will have to apply some repression. But if we start using repressive measures, it will immediately become clear that for us we are Nazis. It's a vicious circle. We simply can not get involved in this, "- said Kaczynski.

Last week the European Commissioner for Migration, Internal Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos warned that Poland and Hungary are threatened with sanctions by the European Commission if they do not start receiving refugees from Italy and Greece within a month.

As part of the European resettlement program, Poland must host 7,000 refugees. However, according to Kaczynski, starting this process, the country will not be able to stop it, and cited Finland as an example, which initially agreed to only 100 migrants, and now there are already 18,000. Poland "simply can not afford to dive into it," insist in Warsaw.

Источник: YTPO.ru