Philippines is changing the US to Russia

22 May 2017, 18:18 | Policy 
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Discussing security issues and strengthening defense - these are the topics that will become central during the visit of the President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte to Russia on May 22 - 26. In an interview with Russian media on the eve of the trip, he admitted that the country had long relied on the US opinion for everything, but now he came to the conclusion that one must build his own independent policy.

Nobody can believe in our time, but Russia can! That's it, literally the words of Mueller-Bronev from "Seventeen Moments of Spring" commented on President Duteret's desire to strengthen ties, including military, between Manila and Moscow.

"If the situation in the world, including because of IGIL (terrorist organization, banned in the Russian Federation), worsen, I will be open to defensive alliances. And now you can rely only on the words of Russia and China. America is hypocritical. There, the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing, so there will always be problems, misunderstandings, and if not hatred, then dislike each other, "says Duteret.

He admits that for a long time Manila coordinated all its actions with Washington's foreign policy. Often at the expense of himself: for example, the US quarreled with China, and the Philippines lost the export of bananas. After becoming president, Dutert decided: "I will build an independent foreign policy that will allow us to interact with China and the rest of the states, not only for trade and commerce, but also for the sake of geopolitical balance," RIA Novosti quoted him as saying,.

For a long time, the Philippines was under the yoke of other countries: 400 years were considered a Spanish colony, then, after the defeat of Spain in the war with the US, for 50 years passed under American control. Returning Manila sovereignty, Washington demanded from it guarantees of military cooperation and permission to maintain a military base in the country. However, when President Duteret had a verbal conflict with Barack Obama, the US Congress refused to supply arms to the Philippines. Despite the fact that the Philippine authorities are struggling with extremism, drug trafficking and international terrorism, in particular with IGIL, whose militants have chosen themselves south of the country.

But they did not attack: "I said no problem. I can always turn to China, to Russia. They will understand me, because they too suffer from terrorism, "Dutterte explained, why he decided to distance himself from Washington. - I ruled out the USA from the list of countries that intend to seek new sources of assistance. In the US, I was not. I was invited to the inauguration ceremony of Trump. But I said: "Not yet, I need to go to Russia". And although Dutterte does not have anything against personally new US President Donald Trump, but that himself puts a stick in the wheel of Congress. Therefore, it will not work with the United States in the near future.

Another thing - "generous, ready to help" Moscow. "We are fighting with the rebels, the same as they used to be in Russia. These are just a few bandits who are spreading chaos. There are not so many of them ... But we need intelligence, we need high-precision weapons. And we do not have such technologies. It is a question of small arms, missiles that can accurately hit targets. And, maybe, helicopters or planes. Not reactive, but screw, more effective in confronting small groups of terrorists in conflict areas, "Dutterte listed his wishes.

However, a bilateral "balance in trade relations and agreements in the field of agriculture" is also needed. Therefore, the Philippines in Moscow will be presented by an impressive delegation.
