China presented the DPRK with 100 days of grace

22 May 2017, 17:51 | Policy 
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Chinese authorities have asked US President Donald Trump not to touch North Korea for 100 days. During this time, Beijing promised to take all measures to pacify the regime of Kim Jong-un without using force methods. This topic was discussed at the talks of the head of the White House with the Chairman of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping in early April, the Japanese newspaper Asahi reports with reference to Japanese and American sources.

It was reported that the main topic of the meeting of the two leaders was the situation on the Korean peninsula. Trump threatened to strike at North Korea, regardless of whether China will help Americans or not. However, as it became known now, Xi Jinping persuaded the American leader to give a respite.

Trump at the talks pointed out that 90% of DPRK's foreign trade is accounted for by China. This gives Beijing powerful leverage on Pyongyang. The politician warned that if they were not used, the United States would unilaterally impose sanctions against leading Chinese companies that cooperate with the North Korean regime. They will be banned from dealing with US banks and corporations, which will hit the Chinese economy hard.

In response, the PRC President promised to make changes in the policy of Pyongyang within a 100-day period. During this period, Washington should not take any tough unilateral measures against the DPRK. Decisive steps against the North Koreans negotiators agreed to do only in the case of major provocations from Pyongyang. China, in particular, pointed to the possibility of imposing restrictions on money transfers and on oil supplies to the DPRK.

The agreed postponement is similar to the one that Beijing and Washington agreed earlier in relation to foreign trade. The 100-day trade plan, which calls for an increase in US exports to China, aims to reduce the imbalance between the two countries' foreign trade and reduce the US trade deficit.

The 100-day countdown began in April. This deadline expires in mid-July. Around this time, US and Chinese leaders are expected to meet at the G-20 summit in Germany. Probably at this meeting Xi Jinping will have to report to Trump about the effectiveness of the pressure exerted on the North Koreans.

The Japanese edition notes that since the meeting of the leaders of the two countries, the DPRK has shown some moderation. In particular, the country does not yet conduct the next, the sixth in a row nuclear tests. At the same time, test launches of ballistic missiles continue at intervals about once a week. So, on May 14, Pyongyang tested the Hwasong-12 missile, on May 21 - the Pukgukson-2 missile. Both launches were recognized as successful.

The leader of the DPRK, Kim Jong Un, after the tests, ordered the mass production of the Pukgukson-2 missile intended for strategic troops. This decision runs counter to the requirements of the UN Security Council resolutions that prohibit the DPRK from developing nuclear weapons and their means of delivery. Thus, Americans can have very reasonable doubts about the effectiveness of the efforts made by the Chinese side to pacify Kim Jong-un.
