"And Ukrainians raped a German woman": Roitburd explained how everything is ambiguous with the war

22 May 2017, 08:55 | Policy 
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In the history of Ukraine there are things that you need to repent of, in particular, the participation of the military in the Red Army.

This was stated by the artist Alexander Roitburd in his interview to the "Observer".

"History does not boil down to fighting good guys with bad. Good guys do not happen, especially in war. The same Red Army - now there is a stereotype that it consisted of murderers, robbers and rapists. Sorry, but in the UPA, 100,000 Ukrainians fought, and in the Red America - 6 million Ukrainians. And when nationalist resources say: "The Red Army is so bad, raped German women ..." - so it was the Ukrainians raping the German women. And Ukrainians served in the detachments, "he said..

The artist noted that it is not necessary to develop a complex of a victim, it is not necessary to assert that the past of Ukraine is sinless.

"In the history of any people there are things that should not be proud and for which you need to repent," - concluded Roitbrood.

As reported by the "Observer", previously President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko told how the descendants of the Red Army and the UPA defend Ukraine.

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Источник: Обозреватель