"They will crawl - they will!". Voenekspert named the most combat-capable units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

21 May 2017, 00:51 | The Company 
фото с glavnoe.ua

The Marine Corps is now the most efficient unit in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which should be proud of.

This opinion was expressed in the commentary to the "Observer" by the captain of the first rank of the Ukrainian Navy, the first deputy chairman of the Union of Officers of Ukraine Yevgeny Lupakov.

"The greatest thing we can be proud of in this Russian-Ukrainian war is our marines and our coastal units. Besides, now the commander was appointed not a sailor, but an army man. The most responsible directions, where Russians are rushing - there are marines. Yes, they do not just stand, they also move slowly. Our second pride is the Coast Guard. They are all in cars, sufficiently mobile. As soon as the Russians crawl - they will definitely get it, "Lupakov said..

Источник: glavnoe.ua