Biking adds up to five years of life

20 May 2017, 00:11 | Health 
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Cycling can increase the life expectancy of a person. True, it's not about relaxed skating, but about reinforced training, writes The Daily Mail.

It was the intensity that was the most important factor, not the length of the races, a new study, conducted over 20 years in Copenhagen. It was attended by 5,000 people of both sexes between the ages of 21 and 90 who daily cycled. The study was led by Professor Peter Shnor from the University Hospital of Bispebierg.

The results of the study revealed that men who cycled at a fast pace lived 5.3 years longer than men who rolled slowly. And skated at an average pace - 2.9 years longer. For women, these rates were 3.9 and 2.2 years, respectively.

The scientists presented the data at the congress of the European Society of Cardiology in Paris. They also noted: the concept of "speed" was relative, since no one expected that, say, an 80-year-old man would pass faster than a younger one. "Our own perception of intensity is important when a person is slightly out of breath," the experts explain..

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