Mother Loboda for the first time after the scandal appeared at the session of the City Council and voted for land issues

18 May 2017, 21:58 | gossip 
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Today, May 18, the mother of singer Svetlana Loboda Natalia for the first time after the scandal and writing a statement about the resignation of deputy authority came to the session of the City Council.

According to the local newspaper Zarya Priirpenya, at the session, among others, considered land issues that were not on the agenda. The publication suggests that Loboda was summoned to gain the necessary votes to make decisions. As you know, the mother of the singer is part of the party led by the mayor of Irpin Vladimir Karplyuk. Loboda missed several sessions in a row.

As is known, Natalya Loboda, a member of the Irpin City Council from the New Faces party, visited the Let Let Talk program in Russia with TV host Andrey Malakhov. The woman baked a cake for the program and received flowers from the singer Nikolai Baskov. Then around the visit, a scandal broke out, and residents of Irpen asked deputies and the Security Service to assess the actions of Mom Loboda.

In late March, Irpin Mayor Vladimir Karplyuk said that Natalya Loboda wrote a statement on the addition of deputy powers, which will be considered at the party's congress in late May.

Источник: ТСН.ua