Optimists live longer and less often suffer from heart disease

18 May 2017, 04:06 | Health 
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In optimistic women, the risk of cardiovascular disease and death is much lower, according to American researchers.

This work reflects the results of a Dutch team of scientists who found that optimism reduces the risk of heart disease in men. The study involved more than 1000 women. It turned out that the optimists risk of cardiovascular disease was 9% lower, and the risk of death from various diseases - by 14%, scientists said. The study was published in the journal Circulation.

Of course, proper nutrition and exercise are very important factors that improve health, but emotional mood and attitude towards life also play an important role in the state of the cardiovascular system and health in general, experts say.. It was found that pessimists were more susceptible to bad habits, malnutrition and inadequate treatment, which in turn also led to an increased risk of various diseases, writes the BBC.

Medicinform. Net.


По материалам: medicinform.net