Eye drops help cope with the signs of glaucoma

17 May 2017, 20:20 | Health 
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A new type of medicine in the form of eye drops can completely change the symptoms of glaucoma, according to Italian researchers, according to an online edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. Net Glaucoma - the leading cause of complete loss of vision, is caused by increased intraocular pressure, which leads to damage to the cells of the optic nerve. Studies in rats and humans have shown that droplets containing a nerve growth factor can stop cell death and actually improve vision. It is estimated that about 77 million people in the world suffer from this disease.

Specialists reported that, once pressure led to damage to the optic nerve cells, the consequences become irreversible. Unfortunately, people often do not turn to specialists immediately, but only when the disease is already progressing. Researchers from the University of Rome tried to treat the signs of glaucoma with drops that contain nerve growth factor. It turned out that among animals decreased the level of vision loss compared to those rats that did not receive drops.

Scientists continued the study by studying the condition of three people with glaucoma, who could control the pressure, but signs of deterioration in vision progressed. In two patients after the administration of drops, vision improved, while in the third one stabilized. The effect lasted for 18 months after treatment, experts said..

According to experts, the growth factor of the optic nerve causes chemical changes in the cells, which prevents their death if damaged. This may allow cells that have begun to damage to come to normal. However, the cells that died, can not be restored in any case. Therefore, you do not need to postpone treatment to a doctor, scientists say..

Medicinform. Net.

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