Informer WikiLeaks Chelsea Manning released from prison

17 May 2017, 17:38 | Russia 
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BBC reports that WikiLeaks informant Chelsea Manning, sentenced to 35 years in prison on charges of espionage and theft of state property, was released early from prison.

As it became known earlier, Manning after his release from prison will officially be in the service in the US Armed Forces, specifies "RT".

At the end of January this year it was reported that Manning thanked the outgoing US President Barack Obama for mitigating punishment.

Recall, Bradley Manning was arrested in 2010, later he changed the floor and began to call himself Chelsea.

In 2013 he was sentenced to 35 years' imprisonment.

Manning gave WikiLeaks documents and video files relating to the US military operation in Iraq in 2009-2010.

Источник: JustMedia