Trump breaks the traditional rules

10 May 2017, 13:42 | Peace 
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First, I must say that the formal meeting between Trump and Lavrov was not planned. It was assumed that Lavrov would meet with the equal in status Tillerson, the head of the State Department, and Trump decided to raise the rates.

In a sense, this act is symbolic, which should show two things to American voters. First, Trump is not afraid of accusations of ties with Russia. This is also due to the fact that Mr. Komi, the head of the FBI. This shows that Trump is above, as he wants to show it, such accusations in his address. This is the external side of the matter.

Inner - in fact Trump in his style has repeatedly stated that he is ready to meet with everyone, including the leader of the DPRK. So this is a demonstration of a new open style of American politics.

I think that this is the reason for the meeting, because nothing radically new can happen, the meeting is not prepared, it will happen spontaneously. I think that its meaning is demonstrative. In fact, the agenda is not formed, it is unclear - what to talk about. Usually, if this is a serious, not demonstrative action, but a real arrangement, then all this is in advance long and difficult enough to be discussed at the expert level.

That is, no new agreements, no new changes to expect, I think, do not have to. Just Trump in his style is very fond of taking unexpected steps and showing that he is breaking the traditional rules or habits of the American establishment. To see, talk, shake hands with each other, and this will all end.

Probably, within the framework of this openness he will meet with Putin, and there may be something concrete. In fact, now there will be a palpation of the soil - what can be talked about, what can not be talked about. And of course, this is in preparation for a higher level of the meeting, which, probably, will take place within the framework of the twenty (G-20 - Red. Therefore, the meeting between Trump and Lavrov is symbolic and preparatory.

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