Vitamin D deficiency in the body increases the risk of death from strokes or heart disease

10 May 2017, 00:34 | Health 
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The lowered level of vitamin D in the body can be a mortal danger. Adults with vitamin D deficiency are more at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and strokes, Finnish experts say..

Vitamin D is an important vitamin for the body, which is produced as a result of exposure to the skin of the sun's rays, as well as as a result of the use of certain foods and multivitamins. The researchers conducted a study in which they studied the relationship between the level of vitamin D, cardiovascular diseases and strokes for a long period of time in 2817 men and 3402 women living in Finland. At the beginning of the study, the average age of participants was 49 years, all subjects were healthy and did not have the prerequisites for the development of heart disease.

During the follow-up period (approximately 27 years), 640 study participants died of cardiovascular diseases (358 men out of them) and 293 people from stroke (122 of them were men). Compared to participants with the highest vitamin D levels in the blood, people with the lowest levels had a 25% higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and stroke,.

Given all the risk factors, the relationship between vitamin D levels, strokes and cardiovascular disease remained strong. However, scientists have not been able to find the optimal level of vitamin D for human health. Also, one can not yet state that low vitamin levels cause strokes and heart disease, further research is needed, experts said..

Medicinform. Net.


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