George and Amal Clooney made an unusual donation

06 May 2017, 16:25 | Show Business 
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The famous actor George Clooney and his wife Amal try to do more good things before their long-awaited twins are born.

So, a couple of days ago, the couple donated 10 thousand dollars to the organization "Camp Cocker Rescue" (Sherman Oaks, California), which is engaged in the rescue of cocker spaniels. When George learned about the need to save nine dogs, suffering from all sorts of medical problems, without hesitation wrote out an account. Maybe this decision was influenced by the fact that the star spouses also have three dogs of this breed named Milli, Louis and Einstein.

"It's hard for us to describe our reaction when we learned about George's generous gesture and 10,000 dollars for our dogs. We danced and cried with happiness. We asked the patrons if they would let us talk about their media generosity, and they agreed. So: we sincerely want to thank George and Amal Clooney for their nobility, "the founders of the organization.

Let's remind, earlier Potap frankly told about quarrels with Nastya.
