Rotations in the Cabinet, the problem of Suprun and reimbursement - Rosenko about political nuances

05 May 2017, 08:55 | Policy 
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In mid-April, the annual immunity of Vladimir Groisman's government expired. This feature of the Cabinet of Ministers stepped relatively quietly, because the Verkhovna Rada just went for a month to work with voters and committees. But soon people's deputies will return to the session hall, and then the government may face the threat of turbulence.

On the likelihood of a new political crisis, personnel rotations and top-reform of the Cabinet read in an interview with the "Observer" with Deputy Prime Minister Pavel Rozenko.

- Parliament will soon return to plenary work. The government's immunity ended. In this regard, expect political turbulence, attempts to send the government to resign?.

- I have no grounds today to say that there are elements of some political crisis. Parliament works. There is a coalition in the parliament, is not there it - this is a philosophical question, de facto - is. After all, the Verkhovna Rada adopts decisions that are important not for the government, not for the president, but for Ukraine as a whole. The situation in the government is a reflection of what is happening in the parliament, because we are still a parliamentary-presidential country. However, I do not see any signs of a political crisis, I see no reason to talk about early elections in Ukraine.

In my opinion, now is the perfect time. We still have about 1.5 years to make some decisions, carry out reforms in a calm atmosphere, not in a pre-election frenzy,. The situation is quite stable both in the parliament and in the government. And for some global cataclysms there are no prerequisites. There will be or will not be changes in the government - let's see. Time will tell, I do not exclude that some single changes in the government will occur.

- By the way, about the single changes in the government. In fact, almost no one doubts that there will be no resignation of the government, and while Vladimir Groisman remains prime minister. But the Rada is rumored that the resignation of individual ministers. In particular, the Minister of Energy Igor Nasalik, the Minister of Infrastructure of Vladimir Omelyan and several other names. A lot of questions, especially from the profile committee, to and. Minister of Health of Ulyana Suprun. Are these personalities at risk?.

- This is the will of the coalition, the will of Parliament, the will of the Prime Minister. The coalition is formed by the government, the parliament appoints the personal composition of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the proposal of the prime minister. I believe that the point changes in the government are an absolutely normal process, one should not be afraid of it. When forming a team, this always happens: certain lapping, some people fall off or sag. Parliament can analyze the work of any ministry and give an appropriate assessment.

As for the personalities, I'm probably subjective, because I'm also a member of the government, but I do not see frank failures in the activities of some ministry. Errors, of course, are present, discontent with work, of course, is. But not mistaken is he who does nothing - on the one hand. On the other hand, for this year I can not name frankly failed or anti-popular decisions for which the government could bear political responsibility. On the contrary, recently we have taken a number of serious steps to improve the quality and standard of living of Ukrainians.

- And the candidature of Mrs. Suprun is planned to be submitted to the parliament for voting? She, after all,. almost a year.

- The question is not whether to file or not to file, the question is, will the parliament support this idea?.

- Do you think it will not support?.

- The Prime Minister repeatedly spoke, including from the rostrum of the Verkhovna Rada, that there is a positive perception of the reforms implemented by the Ministry of Health. Yes, certainly not everything is smooth, of course, the range of problems that have to be solved now, accumulated dozens of years. Problems with the procurement of medicines, and with the improvement of tender procedures, and with the improvement of mechanisms for financing the health system, and decentralization. That is, the circle of problems is enormous. On these issues there are different positions, different views, but in general there is an understanding that the team is working quite effectively.

Consultations on the appointment of the Minister of Health continue. I think that the nomination will take place when there is a feeling that this candidature for the post of minister will find support in the parliament. Of course, the situation around Ulyana Suprun is not easy, because over the past year her team has had to seriously attack the interests of certain groups that have traditionally worked in the orbit of the Ministry of Health. Wherever you look, there was a corruption scheme, or someone's interests, or some kind of influence. In this situation, it is extremely difficult to collect votes for her appointment in the Parliament, so now the status quo is preserved.

- By the way, since April 1, the program of reimbursement. What conclusions can you already make? Successful or not? What are the problems?.

- Conclusions can be made only after a certain period of time. The system of available drugs was tried to be introduced at different times, but certainly the current government approached this reform most widely. We determined that for us the principle of providing free medicines to people who face the three most acute problems: bronchial asthma, type II diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

We have approved all the necessary regulatory framework for the program to work. Further, it is already a matter of close interaction and solving current problems, which, of course, arise at the level of cooperation and at the level of coordination of communication, effective work in the coordinate system of the Ministry of Health and local authorities. From local authorities much depends. Nevertheless, the Cabinet of Ministers forms a policy, coordinates the basic documents, directions of reform, but the direct implementation - on local authorities.

Now more than 3 thousand pharmacies are included in this process. This is a great start, but it is obvious that this is not enough. Agreements with pharmacies are concluded by local authorities. The second question, which is acute, is not enough to conclude contracts with pharmacies, it is very important that in those pharmacies there is a full range of medicines participating in the program (157 medicines). Not all hospitals can boast of the presence of these drugs in the pharmacy chain or in a specific pharmacy. It is very important that local authorities conduct very fast and efficient work in this direction. In general, we are in constant dialogue with distributors who must ensure the delivery of the necessary drugs to pharmacies. That is, this is the second problem that requires constant, literally daily, hourly control.

What depends on the government in this direction? The state must ensure stable financing. The system has just started to work, and many pharmacy institutions and distributors have fears that they will release drugs for free, and the state does not compensate them for anything. I want to say that about 500 million hryvnas have already been allocated for these purposes. All funds are distributed between regions. That is, there are enough resources on the ground to start reimbursing pharmacy institutions the appropriate price of medicines. As soon as the first payments are made, as soon as everyone sees that the mechanism is working, that the state does not delay compensation, the process will go much easier: there will be less concern. Thus, we will regulate this issue within a month or two..

The other side of the coin is the philosophy of the patient's interaction with the doctor. Here too, there are a lot of problems that have accumulated over the years. First of all, it is necessary to inculcate in a citizen the habit of not self-medication. If you want to get the appropriate drug, you should see a doctor. And doctors need to learn how to prescribe a prescription to the patient, because the prescription is a guarantee that it is these drugs that the patient really needs. And here too, a lot of problems, because the maximum that doctors have been doing for the last decade, it was written out "prescription" not on official forms, but on ordinary papers. Not always and not everywhere so, but very often, when writing out a specific drug, either a doctor or a health care institution receives a certain reward. That is, it was NOT a drug that was needed for effective treatment of a person, but a drug was prescribed that satisfied the financial interests of the doctor and the medical institution. And this problem for one day is very difficult to solve.

Now we know a lot of facts when doctors themselves tell patients that they do not need to take free medicines from the government, because they will not help you, but I'll write you on the piece of paper the necessary medical products. That is, the schemes continue to operate, the manipulation continues to operate, the government program is being discredited, and it is very important that local authorities react to all citizens' appeals. Because among the 157 drugs there are all the necessary medications for effective treatment.

Very often I hear that the government has introduced the cheapest drugs into the program. It is not true. There are 13 producers of the EU, 12 - Ukrainian, and one manufacturer from Israel and India. That is, they are not the cheapest drugs, but they are effective.

As you can see, the range of problems is colossal, but for the government it is the top reform, and we will bring it to its logical conclusion.

The second part of the interview with Pavel Rosenko read the other day on the "Observer".

As reported by the "Observer", the Verkhovna Rada told which ministers are threatened with the resignation.

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