Doctors told about the most useful ways of cooking meat

03 May 2017, 11:45 | Health 
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In the spring, you need to switch to proper nutrition and give up fried foods.

This is reported to the Voice by the doctor-dietician Oksana Skitalinskaya.

According to her, in spring, it is very useful for all of us to switch to proper nutrition and to give up fried food.

"Now, when winter is over, it would be very useful for everyone to switch to proper nutrition, that is, stop frying," the doctor recommends..

According to the nutritionist, many people, despite the fact that they make for themselves useful salads from the first spring vegetables, from roast can not refuse.

The expert recommends that it is best to cook meat or fish - not even to put out and bake, namely to cook.

"In the boiled products (meat and fish), very low content of KGG (the final production of glycation), which damages our cells, our vessels, causes a general aging of the body, senescence of the body, damage to the kidneys, cataracts and t. Namely, in boiled meat and fish, the minimum amount of these final glycation products, "explains O. Skitalinskaya.

The nutritionist advises, if you prepare meat, preliminary it or him marinate, thus the quantity KPG will decrease.

"In the spring it is also very useful to include in your diet products containing prebiotics. This is a targeted feeding of our beneficial intestinal bacteria. Such prebiotics (inulin) are found most in the root of chicory and in artichoke. It should not be consumed too much to prevent flatulence. A teaspoon of Jerusalem artichoke in a salad will be enough. Similarly, chicory is useful - but provided that you drink one cup a day and put one teaspoon of chicory on a cup. One teaspoon of chicory a day is enough to energize our bacteria, "- sums up the expert.

Source: News Yu.

