Women do not need perfume to attract the attention of men

28 April 2017, 19:48 | Health 
фото с NeBoley.com.ua

Women should think twice before using their branded perfume, for which they laid out a tidy sum, say researchers. The reason is that for a man there is nothing more attractive than the natural smell of a woman.

In the course of the study, the researchers found that the level of male testosterone, which is directly related to sexual desire, significantly increases when the sense of smell catches the smell of a woman who has reached the period of ovulation. Other studies have linked a high level of testosterone with increased sexual arousal.

Specialists were able to pinpoint that women during the period of ovulation have the highest chance of attracting male attention without using any extraneous scents. Scientists plan to conduct a number of new studies aimed at studying the reaction of men to a specially designed chemical reagent that should produce the same odor as a woman during ovulation.

Medicinform. Net.


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