Launched life

25 April 2017, 09:00 | The Company 
фото с Обозреватель

"St. George's ribbon is playing on my chest already!" - poetically exclaims correspondent Vesti in Khabarovsk.

Then they show us the start of the distribution of the ribbon: the volunteers catch passers-by in an empty square and hook these tapes to them. And go back under the watchful camera VGTRK.

- Together with the ribbon, volunteers distribute instructions, where it can be worn, where it is impossible, - the correspondent reports..

It is a pity that he does not introduce us to this instruction. Especially curious is the list of places where it is impossible. What is meant? A circus, a tavern, a mess, what? Do I need to remove the tape by going to some intimate public places? Khabarovsk residents now know, but we are not with you. And finally a mighty final point:.

- In Ukraine, St. George ribbon became a symbol of the struggle against nationalism.

"In Ukraine", to the attention of the editors of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, the St. George's ribbon became a symbol of the heavy neglected cotton wool, this tape is not underlined by its tape by the memory of a war to which it has nothing to do, it emphasizes its spiritual connection with the state, which here The most objective reasons are considered an aggressor.

On the day of the memory of the liberation from one aggressor wearing the signs of another aggressor there is an ideological nonsense. Yes, in principle, this is also a stylistic nonsense for Ukraine - to cordon the whole country and everything that moves in it, by any signs. With a sense of patriotic action, they are definitely better.

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