While we are - there will be fascists

24 April 2017, 09:42 | Peace 
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2079 year. 9th May. Red square, parade. The boy asks grandfather:.

- Grandfather, what is this medal for you?.

- This is a granddaughter for taking the Reichstag. Oh, I remember the terrible battle was. Not all survived. One-soldier was not lucky. The plywood from the Reichstag has come unstuck and the wind has brought directly into the eye.

"Grandfather, so the Reichstag is stone!".

"How is it stone?" !! What are you talking about, jerk. As I remember now: the dank April 2017, in the street overcast, we storm the fascists in the Moscow region of Kubinka, the Reichstag waggles invocatively in the wind, we have not eaten for about three to four hours, nowhere to retreat - behind the film crew and now we throw ourselves on the attack. And then we were all awarded Shoigu. Yes, and your grandfather suffered too, when back in the train to Moscow returning hooligans attacked and beaten. It was hard time. For you were dying, so that you lived.

- Deed, and we go to Putin to watch after the parade?.

- Let's go, of course, only before the closing of the Mausoleum it is necessary to have time. And behave well there, and then in the Gulag I'll give it up, like your brother's.

- It turns out the grandmother too badly behaved.

- Do not ask any unnecessary questions, better watch - now tanks will go, imagine how they will pressure people, fascist evil spirits this.

- And I thought that we had defeated all the fascists long ago!.

- And here you are mistaken, grandson. While we are - there will be fascists.

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