Grizmann got nervous and stopped interviewing after the question of the future

23 April 2017, 11:35 | Football 
Антуан Гризманн, Getty Images

The French striker became the hero of the match against Hispaniola, scoring the only goal in the match in the middle of the second half.

Of course, the journalists could not miss the opportunity to take a flash interview from Grismann, to which the player kindly agreed. Nevertheless, as soon as one of the questions touched Antoine's future, he got nervous and just left.

"I know that you do not like to talk about it, but earlier your comments about the future have been slightly twisted. Do you want to refute your words, or say something new about this? "- asked the journalist.

"I do not want to talk about it any more," Grizmann replied, and immediately stopped the interview.

Rumors continue to match Antoine to Manchester United, Real Madrid, and a number of European top clubs at the end of the season.
