That's why you need to add salt to the coffee!

21 April 2017, 08:23 | Health 
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Yes, you read it right! Everyone knows that adding sugar and milk makes freshly brewed coffee tastier. But what if you avoid eating sweet or dairy products?.

Try adding salt to coffee. This is how many true connoisseurs of this magic drink do, writes health info with reference to the marketium. En.

Surprisingly, if you add a very small pinch of salt to the coffee, it will remove unnecessary bitterness and make the taste of your drink softer. This is because the salty taste breaks the bitter.

Not only will such a seasoning give your coffee a rather unusual taste, you will feel its aroma in a whole new way!.

By the way, it is customary to drink such coffee in many hot countries. It is known that a strong sweating violates the salt balance in the body, so on hot summer days a pinch of salt in coffee will only benefit you.

And of course, do not try to turn this trick with instant coffee. This is a completely different story!.

Try to prepare freshly brewed coffee and salt right now.. Who knows? Maybe you will like his taste!.

Healthinfo. Ua.

