Vitamins and calcium supplements help reduce the risk of breast cancer

21 April 2017, 02:15 | Health 
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The use of vitamins and calcium reduces the risk of breast cancer in the future, according to researchers from Puerto Rico.

Oncologists conducted a study in which 286 patients with breast cancer and 457 healthy women. Women were more likely to suffer from breast cancer if they were elderly, had a family history of the disease, had no experience of breast-feeding children, and their DNA had a lower ability to recover.

Experts have established that vitamin supplements reduce the risk of breast cancer by approximately 30%, and calcium - by 40%.

The researchers explained that calcium supplements strengthen the recovery potential of DNA, and also improve the flow of complex biological processes involving more than 200 proteins. If these processes are violated, the female organism may become more susceptible to breast cancer, scientists say.

Medicinform. Net.

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