As if with Kirill did not happen bad: Nevzorov reacted to the idea with the head of the ROC and the SBU

19 April 2017, 22:50 | Policy 
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Ukraine should be barred from entering the country's territory by the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, first of all, for reasons of security of the hierarch himself, since "from the Right Sector one can expect anything".

This opinion was expressed to the "Observer" by the Russian publicist Alexander Nevzorov.

Asked whether Ukraine should make such a decision, the publicist said: "I believe that we should not underestimate the obscurantly Moscow-oriented forces that exist in Ukraine, which still do not allow the Ukrainian church to separate and acquire absolute autocephaly. At the same time, I understand the extent to which the Ukrainian radicals are strong, evil and talented ".

Nevzorov admitted that he was "interested in having nothing bad happen to my friend Kirill". In this context, he suggested that his visit to Ukraine could have very unpleasant consequences: "They will catch, shave, tonsure, change into training and in this form they will take pictures. From your "Right Sector" you can expect anything. And it will be, in general, the end of a career ".

"And I need Kirill to be whole, unharmed and preferably all the time uttering his stupidity," - said the publicist.

"Therefore, I would not let him into Ukraine for his own safety," he wished..

For the full version of the commentary by Alexander Nevzorov, listen here:.

As the "Observer" wrote, in response to the promise of Patriarch Kirill to come to Ukraine, the network appealed to the Security Service of Ukraine to prohibit him from entering.

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