The Prosecutor General's Office suspects the head of the AMCU of corruption

19 April 2017, 21:32 | Ukraine 
фото с Зеркало недели

In the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine believe that the tobacco monopoly "Tedis Ukraine" withdrew funds to Russia under the guise of the head of the Antimonopoly Committee Yuriy Terentyev.

The investigation found that using illegal methods of doing business and bribing government officials, including AMCU, Tedis Ukraine Ltd. together with producers created barriers to entering the distribution market for cigarettes of potential sellers, which allowed Tedis of Ukraine to take a monopoly position On the Ukrainian market, the newspaper "Nashi Groshi".

The court decision notes that the cover of the scheme was carried out by the chairman and two state agents of the AMCU. The prosecutor's office claims that the representatives of "Tedis Ukraine" systematically provided monetary compensation to AMCU officials, and a fine of UAH 429.3 million, which Antimonopoly Committee imposed on Tedis Ukraine in December, is groundlessly underestimated compared to the gross income of the firm.

The publication notes that the court registry could not find any information about the suspicion of the head of the AMCU or his deputy, Nina Sidorenko, who was conducting an investigation into the case of "Tedis".

Earlier it was reported that an investigation into "Tedis Ukraine" could be the reason for the resignation of the leadership of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine.

Источник: Зеркало недели