Environmental problems are already "taken by the throat", - Semerak

24 March 2017, 16:36 | Policy 
фото с УРА-Информ

So, Semerak, reporting to the committee of the Ukrainian parliament, pointed out the problems that "everyone is already simply taking up his throat". At this stage, the protection of our environment has taken the throat of each of us.

These are, for example, contaminated water bodies, an increase in the incidence of people, simply uncontrolled discharges into rivers and also massive emissions into the atmosphere, and this list can be continued - he noted. Semerak is also convinced that the government "pays serious attention to environmental protection for the first time".

As reported URA-Inform, the people of Kiev still do not have mechanisms to collect unsafe waste - noted in KSCA.

Источник: УРА-Информ