Juventus and Barcelona are watching for Rambo

21 March 2017, 22:10 | Football 
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Midfielder PSG Adrien Rabio fell into the sphere of transfer interests of Juventus and Barcelona.

At the moment, Juve and Barca are in search of a player that can strengthen the midfield center. Initially, the European grandees turned their attention to Marco Veratti from PSG, but the price of over 80 million euros and the reluctance of Parisians to let one of their leaders serve the fact that the Turinians and the Catalans switched to another midfielder of the champions of France - Adrien Rabio.

As reported by Le10Sports, Barcelona and Juventus, who previously competed for Veratti, will now attempt to get his team-mate Rabio.

21-year-old Adrien is a graduate of the PSG club academy, and currently enjoys the confidence of the head coach of Unai Emery, receiving much more gaming practice than it was in previous years.

In 30 games in all tournaments in the current season, RABIO marked three goals and four assists.

Источник: football.ua