Gravtsі youth sbіrnoї Ukraine bought and handed over to the Ratsі ZSU for the money money

29 June 2022, 18:03 | Football 
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Young Ukrainian football players do not forget to bring victory to our country over the Russian occupiers.

The football players of the youth national team of Ukraine, due to the state initiative, have made their contribution to help our defenders of the ZSU. The press service of the UAF tells about it.

The envoy of Ruslan Rotan’s team gave five walkie-talkies for the ZSU, and today in Kiev the miner Georgy Sudakov handed them over to the hands of the 98th Dnipro-Azov battalion. Ratsії zі words podyaki having accepted a volunteer from Dnipro Kirilo Kiryaev.

" We moved in between ourselves and bought a walkie-talkie. We help the defenders of Ukraine, as much as we can. The idea of \u200b\u200b\\u200b\\u200bI didn’t blame one - we went to it with the whole team. Well, our administrators helped us, as if we knew what our soldiers needed at once. We bought them skils, and I especially believe that they will become useful at the front,"

" Yak vinikla ya idea? Narazі є majestic need in walkie-talkies, yakі can not find the direction of the Russian military. We found out about the first wust, the lads on the front line.

I took off the race from the graves of the youth selection and I will go to the Dnipro, de hand it over to our fans, as if they were going to change at the lava for the 98th Dnipro-Azov battalion. Well, I want to say to myself that war is no less sharpening at the front. With a singing rank you won three on the football fields. Like our youth, so the national selection will show good results. We seem to be in them and support them on their wins in the upcoming matches,"

Previously, many forward of the national team of Ukraine Roman Zozulya, who has been engaged in volunteer activities for 8 years, supported Ukrainians during the war from the Russian Federation.
