Collapse in the potato market: farmers turn their crops for starch and reduce potato plantings

26 June 2022, 12:57 | Economy 
фото с Зеркало недели

The lion's share of last year's potato harvest did not hit the shelves as millions of consumers were forced to leave Ukraine. In addition, part of the warehouses were occupied. At the moment, farmers give tons of potatoes for starch, according to the story "

It is noted that this year the factories will produce a record amount of starch for all the years of independence.. We are talking about 50 thousand tons, instead of 10 thousand tons per year. At the same time, farmers managed to get at least some part of the money..

However, Ukraine can consume a maximum of 12 thousand tons of starch per year, so the only way out is to export.

According to Oksana Ruzhenkova, an expert on horticulture of the World Bank for Development, today they are considering applying to the embassies of a number of countries that have a shortage of potato starch (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan).

Also, large farmers today have reduced potato plantations because of this situation, but medium and small farmers will even out the situation, so there will be no shortage of potatoes.

Now processors are shifting their business to other products: they are considering the use of starch in the manufacture of paper, mashed potatoes and beans..

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Earlier it was reported that in the coming days, well-known to all Ukrainians, salt produced by Artemsol will appear on the shelves of the Silpo supermarket chain..

Источник: Зеркало недели