The sexton told about "manipulation of Trump, which he wraps in the wrapper of a steep cowboy"

12 July 2018, 12:59 | Policy 
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"I want my readers to understand one very obvious manipulation of Trump, which he wraps in the wrapper of a steep cowboy.

There are two things. They are very important in our entire history. But! They have nothing to do with each other and the fact that Trump linked them into one knot is a bad manipulation and this is the continuation of the attack on the unity of the West that Trump began at the G-7 Summit in Canada.


Thing number 1.

Expenses for the defense of NATO member countries.

The NATO-2014 Summit in Wales decided that by 2024 NATO members should spend at least 2% of their GDP on defense. OK. Everyone is moving towards this goal, no one objects. For today, there are five such countries, by the end of this year there will be eight. And so on - until 2024.

Thing number 2.

North Stream-2.

Counteract SP-2 Trump is obliged! According to the Law, which was adopted by Congress last summer (On counteraction to rogue states by sanctions). There it is spelled out in a separate line.

But. To connect these two things in one node and put them in some kind of dependence is the know-how of Trump. Type, we are struggling with SP-2, and you do not spend enough on NATO? What is it? Where is the logic?.

It is necessary to spend more and this process goes until 2024 and it is necessary to resist SP-2. Just. And - not related.

Just think - who can be pleased with the maximum weakening of NATO? ", Summed up Ponomarev.
