German journalist defended Views: every day Russia kills Ukrainians, and a football player can be banned for "Glory to Ukraine"

08 July 2018, 21:05 | Sports 
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The journalist of the German edition of Bild, Julian Repke commented on the situation regarding the statements of Croatia's defender Domagoya Vidy after Croatian victory over the Russian national team at the World Cup.

So, Репке has sharply reacted to the information of edition The Sun which has informed, that ФИФА has begun investigation on an episode with the statement Views.

"Just remind: Russia killed 12 Ukrainians from the beginning of the World Cup. Not a problem for FIFA, of course.. The autocratic regime, which stole 2 million Ukrainians in 2014 and still kills and maims daily, can host the World Cup.

But a World Championship player who says "Glory to Ukraine" can be banned for it. FIFA, you are disgusting, "- wrote Repki on his social network page. Let's note, Vida and the breeder of Kiev "Dynamo" Ognjen Vukojevic recorded a video in which they conveyed a kind of greetings to the Ukrainian fans. Vida at the beginning of the video said "Glory to Ukraine".

In the evening of July 7, the Croatian team in the penalty shoot-out beat Russia and reached the semifinal of the 2018 World Cup. There it will be waiting for the England team, which the day before won a team of Sweden.

________________________ Нагадаємо, 9 країн, серед яких Україна, авіяія, Фінляндія, Японияія, Даія, Ісландія, Great Britain, Poland, Швеція,? Have struck a diplomatic boycott Чемпіонату світу в Росії. The reasons for this was the invasion of the Russian Federation to Ukraine, the Syrian Kingdom, the British Sri Sri Sriksya, the hunger-hound of Ukrainian politicians, the number of Oleg Sentsov's directors, the systematically deplorable human rights in the Russian Federation.

Bezstorkov hungry Sentsov striking 14 herbs 2018 rock. Yogi head of the vimoga - zvilnenya ponad 60 of Ukrainians pol'tv'yaziv, yaki perebuvayut for his time in Russia. Qiu vimogu director pidtrimav Derzhdep USA, ЄС, Parliament Canadi і т.

2015 рокуійський court illegally condemned Sentsov to 20 rockів columns суірого mode. Акції на підтримку режисера відбулися у воому світі, that number in Rusії.


Источник: ТСН.ua