Light therapy is an alternative to antidepressants

10 August 2017, 22:33 | Health 
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Postpartum depression is a fairly common disorder in women, but its treatment in pregnant and lactating mothers is a difficult task, according to the Internet publication for girls and women aged 14-35 who have been diagnosed with Pannochka. Net Antidepressants for lactating women are rarely prescribed. It turns out that phototherapy (treatment with special light) can be an adequate alternative to pharmacological drugs.

Psychiatrist Katherine L. Wisner from the Medical School of the University of Pittsburgh (USA) proved that phototherapy lasting ten minutes every morning helps overcome depression. Phototherapy can have a positive effect on mild forms of depression, not accompanied by side effects.

Unfortunately, in severe cases of depressive disorders, light therapy can provoke a worsening of mental disorders.

Medicus. En.


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