Vitamin D: a cure for cancer

10 August 2017, 20:29 | Health 
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Scientists have determined that vitamin D affects more than 200 genes, including those responsible for the development of cancer and autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis.

The results of the study of scientists from Oxford University were published on Monday in the journal Genome Research.

According to Sriram Ramagopalan, one study participant, the results "showed how important vitamin D is for human health, and how diverse its biological effect is".

Vitamin D affects DNA molecules with the help of vitamin D receptors. Vitamin D receptors are widely represented in the body and are found in at least 35 organs and tissues, including the intestines, kidneys, bones, brain, heart, pancreas and parathyroid glands.

In the process of research, British scientists have installed more than 200 genes, influenced by vitamin D.

News. Gradusnik. En.


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